Do you remember the moment you got saved? Like saved saved...wanted to tell the whole world about Jesus. For me that was age 5. And ya know I found that witnessing to my fellow kindergarteners was pretty easy šŸ˜‚. It was at college (HU!) when it started to get real and a bit uncomfortable because even though tough conversations are expected on a campus the topics of the Bible are becoming less and less acceptable. And now, Iā€™ve been in the real world 6 yearsā€¦ adulting to the fullest. Talking about Jesus at work or to random people in a store can be awkward and almost shunned upon. I started to feel a little guilty about not sharing my faith...the constant reminder from my pastor to invite a friend didnā€™t help either šŸ˜. So I prayed to God for ways to naturally share my faith and be a witness.

Hereā€™s 4 ways to share your faith in natural non creepy way šŸ˜Ž:


Be chill.

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People tend to catch your vibe and will approach you. Sometimes Jesus just chilled in the corner. Like when he turned water into wine - I always imagineĀ him sitting in a corner people watching when Mary came up to him about the wine. Or the sermon on the mount Matthew 5 -7. Jesus was doing what he always did...his normal routine of healing and whatever God called him to do. People resonated with that and started to follow him. He saw the crowd and just got up on a mount and taught. At this point it's what the crowd wanted.


Set yourself apart.

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People will wonder why you are different and what gives you the power to be that way. So be the person God has called you to be. Do what is right when you're being pressured to follow the crowd. Don't make decisions based on social norms but on what the Holy Spirit and bible instruct. People notice the boldness and freedom in your actions. They will ask why you are so comfortable and that's your que.Ā 

Work hard and smart. Not to show off or for brownie points but because the bible tells us in Colossians 3: 23Ā Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.Ā 

And when you get that question: What motivates you? You know the answer.


Genuinely care for others.

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Have real conversations about life, hobbies, or whatever. If Jesus is in your life He will come up naturally. Just focus on building relationships because you care not as a strategy for winning souls. Love others is what we are called to do. When they ask why are you so nice...that's your que. When a bully can't get under your skin they will know you have a higher calling.Ā 

You can prophesy, heal the sick, be the best at your job but if you don't have love it's all in vain - see 1 Corinthians 13


Wear your faith. Literally

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People notice a good t-shirt or dope hoodie. Itā€™s a great way to start a conversation. Many times people stopped me at work (when I had a regular 9 to 5) or the store because of a cool hoodie. Use fashion to work for God.

This last one I saw as a call to action. So, I started Black Mustard Seed (BMS) Christian Street Apparel Brand. BMS goal is to be a Christian brand that is both equally powerful and stylish.

Checkout our Lookbook for some ideas on how you can wear your faith.

But the proof is in the swag. Check out this testimonial:

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ā€œAfter buying this [No Fear Snapback] hat I've had a few people approach me to ask what it means to me to have "no fear". And, that has led to opportunities to share a message of faith." - From Verified Customer

I hope this helped! I know these have proven to work for me around the office back when I was an engineer. And that's really saying something. The science community can be tough on the spiritual. But I am hear to tell you that science and God are not mutually exclusive. You wouldn't have science without God. Again that's a topic for another day...


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