I’m going to tell you why I quit my job in the middle of a pandemic. But let me give some background first.
Watch the video or read the blog below.
I was born and raised in Gary, Indiana. That like right next to Chicago most people consider it the hood. It is the hood - it's desolate…no Walmart no movies theater barely got a grocery store…But that's just the story of everything hood in America.
I grew up a jock playing basketball. So, hoodie and a snapback have become my daily uniform. It is just the vibe I have. Whether I am at work (before I quit) or church I am usually in hoodie and hat.
But I also grew up kind of a nerd. Math and science - it was my jam. I graduated with a degree in mechanical engineering at Howard University and went on to get a job at Boeing. Then earned a master’s in aerospace engineering while I was working. So, I was really like all into it. I was committed to corporate life at Boeing and climbing up the chain. I got a couple promotions making ~$100k a year at 29. I thought this was my success and the path I was to take for sure. I enjoyed my work. I worked with robots.
Robots are awesome...
but I felt like... God was calling me to do something else.
I had a dream oddly enough just about a t-shirt. My crazy self-took that as you should make t-shirts. What God really put in my spirit was to do the things that I know that I’m called to do.
First and foremost I know I am a giver. Not only do I tithe but I give offerings, help family, nd others. I want to fund amazing works for the Kingdom of God. I just think the reason why I’m blessed is to help other people.
I can’t just store up my talents, like talents in the bible not like LeBron taking my talents to Boeing...
But if I were to store up my talents then God, my master, would look at me like...
What are you doing?? I gave you this for a reason go multiply and
and help out.
My pastor was kind of going in on banner years. Years that financially but not just financially...
spiritually, mentally, where you are locked into what God wants and maximize that.
So for me I wanted to maximize spiritually so I’ve been... well that's a whole different video
and journey that I’ll talk about fasting and all that stuff.
But as far as financially there's only so far I can get as an engineer climbing up a corporate tech ladder. Within Boeing there's first level engineers, project leads, program leads (which is where I was starting to be positioned), and fellow/executive.

It's not the ladder I was supposed to climb to get where I was supposed to be. I’ve always known whatever I do - God has to be in the mix.
One of my banner year goals was one day I want to get the point where I’m tithing $100M. That sounds crazy I know but I am shooting for the stars and maybe I’ll hit the moon. There are so many resources in the world that is not being used for the kingdom. My goal is to step a giant leap in changing that. Not my might or power or education but by the Holy Spirit.
So, I quit this year in the middle of a pandemic.
This is obviously a season of change. I am the type of person where sometimes if I make a change, I’ll think about it over and over again.
But almost a day after I left it was like…I’m done. We've moved on. So, I knew I am moving with God.
I went from 100k a year to ZERO. Right now, me and my husband are building our brand - our business – Seed Technologies. The name is inspired by the parable of the mustard seed. It really formed my entire strategy.
Jesus compares faith to a mustard seed. Some translations say the size of the mustard
seed. I like to think it's OF a mustard seed where it's comparing not only the size but the potential that a mustard seed has. It is a very invasive plant. It takes over whatever fields it is planted.
Checkout my video and blog on mustard seed faith.
Seed Technologies will focus on tech but another “branch” of that is Black Mustard Seed where I create faith-based apparel and designs.
I’m a very visual person so as I read the bible or as I’m praying I visualize what I’m reading what God's saying. I then can put that into a design whether it’s simple word t-shirt or more intricate full design and pattern hoodie.
I hope you join us on this journey and help us spread the word of God.
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